Hotels in Lonavala
Lonavala has huge variety in places to stay that provide excellent accommodation, depending on your budget and taste. Apart from five-star, deluxe and three stars there are few budget hotel in the region as well. Most of the hotels are located at places to provide you a picturesque view of the adjoining valley. All the accommodations here work towards making your stay a comfortable one.
If you want to have a luxurious stay then choose the 5-star Hotel Fariyas. Other luxury hotels are Upper Deck, Lagoona Resort and Sahil Sarovar Portico.
To enjoy an excellent service on lesser price try the deluxe category that includes names like Citrus Hotel, Treasure Island Resorts and Bijis Hill Retreat
Accommodation options for a budget traveller include Hotel Sapphire, Highland Resort, Hotel Chandralok, Cloud 9 Hill Resort, Basilica Holiday Home and Hotel Dreamland. You can also try the MTDC Holiday Resort Karla.